Ageing; Arthroplasty; Brain Tumor; Hydrocephalus; Neurological Surgery; Neurosurgery; Spinal Cord Disease; Spine Deformities; Spine Surgery; Surgery - Endocrine; Surgical Critical Care - Surgery; Trauma – cranial and spinal
Dr. Gibbons is a senior physician leader in Western New York . He was Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs from 2016 until 2024. During that time he also served as Executive Director of UBMD, and was instrumental in successfully guiding that organization and the medical community at large through the CVID 19 pandemic.
He joined UBNS as a faculty in July 1993 after graduating from the State University of New York at Buffalo neurosurgery residency training program. He underwent fellowship training in critical care and is board certified by the American Board of Neurological Surgery (ABNS). He is a member of numerous professional societies, including the Society of Neurological Surgeons. He was departmental vice chair and program director under the leadership of Dr Nick Hopkins for almost two decades.
Dr Gibbons remains clinically active, with a clinical practice focused on brain and pituitary tumors, adult hydrocephalus, and cervical spine surgery, including arthroplasty and deformity correction.
Ageing, Arthroplasty, Brain Tumor, Hydrocephalus, Neurological Surgery, Neurosurgery, Spinal Cord Disease, Spine Deformities, Spine Surgery, Surgery - Endocrine, Surgical Critical Care - Surgery, Trauma – cranial and spinal
Adolescents, Adults, Seniors/Elderly
This UBMD physician is also a member of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo, teaching the next generation of doctors and researching to advance care in WNY and beyond. Learn more about this physician's research and teaching activities, as well as view credentials, publications, professional involvement and more below.