The Compliance Quarterly is our compliance newsletter which is distributed to all practice plan personnel on a quarterly basis. The Compliance Quarterly provides personnel with informative articles on various compliance topics such as HIPAA, coding, documentation, general compliance, the OIG, recent compliance-related stories from the news, and many others. It provides reminders and tips on being compliant in your daily work.
Additionally, the newsletter serves as quarterly compliance training, and offers the opportunity to gain training credits toward the biannual 2 hours of compliance training required by the UBMD Compliance Plan. Each newsletter includes a short, 5-question quiz pertaining to the articles in the newsletter. A successfully completed quiz is worth .25 hours of training (only current year quizzes can be completed for credit).
We always welcome topic ideas for future newsletter articles. Contact Sue Marasi if you have any suggestions.
Below are current and past issues of our compliance newsletters, with some of the main topics listed. It never hurts to look back to review and refresh!
May 2024: De-identification in Healthcare, Code G2211, HHS-OIG and NYS OMIG Updates, OIG By the Numbers
December 2024: Common HIPAA Mistakes & How to Prevent Them, Improving Documentation Practices for 2025, Tip Sheet on Copy & Paste, Auditing & Monitoring in the UBMD EMRs
3rd/4th Quarter: HIPAA Information Blocking, AI, Time Coding, Social Media Reviews, Split Shared Visits
1st Quarter: Provider Chart Audits, Compliance Training Updates, Information Blocking/Cures Act, NYS Pay Transparency, Claim Denials
3rd & 4th Quarter: Medical Record Accesss; Modifier -25
1st Quarter: Compliance Training Update; HCC Coding; Cyber Attacks
1st Quarter: Compliance Training Update; E/M Office Encounter Billing; HHS OCR Enforcement of Patient Access to Records
2nd Quarter: Modifer 22; NYS Heroes Act; Compliance Training Updates
1st Quarter (& 2019 4th Quarter): The SHIELD Act; Highlights of CPT-4 Changes for 2020; 2019 OIG Semiannual Report-By the Numbers
2nd Quarter: HIPAA in the Time of COVID; Changes are Coming to E/M Codes in 2021; HHS OCR Communications & Alerts
3rd Quarter: Mandatory Fraud, Waste and Abuse Training
4th Quarter: HIPAA Compliance, CPT Changes, CMS Medicare Physician Fee Schedule for Telehealth Coverage
1st & 2nd Quarter: Requests for Medical Records; Billing for Services Provided by an NPP; 2019 OIG Work Plan Activities; Voicemail Retention; OIG Summary of FY2018 Health Care Enforcement Actions
3rd Quarter: Mandatory Fraud, Waste & Abuse Training
1st Quarter: Why do we Audit Records; CMS Allows Student Documentation of E/M Services; A Compliance Culture; Cybersecurity:
2nd Quarter: Proposed E&M Changes for 2019; Healthcare’s Role in Human Trafficking
3rd Quarter: Mandatory Fraud, Waste & Abuse Training
1st Quarter: New Newsletter Format; 1995 vs. 1997 Documentation Guidelines; Prohibition Against Use of UB Outlook Calendar to Store PHI; OIG Work Plan; Human Error the Main Cause Of Data
2nd Quarter: What is MACRA; Using Spaceflight as a Lesson on Healthcare Compliance; Compliance Hotline; OIG Report-1st Half of 2017
3rd Quarter: Mandatory Fraud, Waste & Abuse Training
4th Quarter: 2018 CPT changes; Integrity; Incidental Use or Disclosure of PHI; OIG Work Plan
1st Quarter: Cybersecurity & Ransomware; Advanced Care Planning; Final 60-Day Rule
2nd Quarter: The Importance of Business Associate Agreements; Split/Shared E/M Services; HIPAA Privacy Waivers
3rd Quarter: HIPAA Issues with Cell Phones; ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes in Value-Based Care Models; Common Documentation Errors; Updating Business Associate Agreements
4th Quarter: Mandatory Fraud, Waste & Abuse Training