The education and training of all employees is extremely important at UBMD, as they are probably the first and most important line of defense in a compliance program. Education is included as one of the seven essential elements of a compliance program as outlined by the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and Office of Inspector General guidelines. As such, they are an integral part of the UBMD Compliance Plan.
All new providers must complete New Provider Training and New Employee Training. The below video is also a good refresher for not-so-new providers, too.
Click here to access the UBMD Compliance Training video.
Additionally, please review the 2024 Telemedicine Updates.
All new UBMD employees must complete UBMD Compliance Training within six months of commencement of employment with UBMD. Such training may be done by the practice plan representative, ideally as part of their orientation. The Compliance Office is always available to assist, or for questions.
The following are links to everything needed to complete New Employee Training:
New York State requires all persons employed within the state to complete annual Sexual Harassment Prevention training. By completeing this training, you will not only satisfy the requirement for UBMD, but also for ECMC, Kaleida Health, GPPC and Upper Allegheny Health System. Once you go through all the videos and questions, you will be able to mark all applicalbe entities you work at. This gives providers and staff who work for or are privileged at one or more entities the opportunity to complete the training under only once.
After viewing the entire presentation, answering all questions throughout, you will reach the “Submit Your Results” page. You must fill in ALL the blanks (first name middle initial, etc.), and click ALL entities that apply to you. This means the name of your UBMD practice, each hospital where you are privileged, etc. YOU MUST SELECT EACH ENTITY APPLICABLE TO YOU OR THIS TRAINING WILL HAVE TO BE REPEATED.
Once you click on “Submit,” you will see a screen with the following message:
Thank you for completing the MD Sexual Harassment Training. Your information has been successfully submitted. You will receive a confirmation email shortly.
You may now close this window.
You should then receive an email confirming your successful completion.
Completions will be recorded automatically to a spreadsheet maintained by the collaboration, and sent weekly to the compliance department for tracking purposes. If you have any questions, please contact Sue Marasi.
Please click here to review the 2024 Telemedicine Updates. UBMD follows the Medical guidelines and recommendations for telemedicine.
All UBMD providers and employees are required to complete a minimum of two (2) hours of compliance training biennially (every two years). This training may include, without limitation:
Each practice plan is responsible for maintaining documentation verifying physician and employee attendance at all applicable education sessions, and for forwarding all such documentation to the UBMD Compliance Office for review, ensuring adherence to this policy.
In accordance with the requirements established by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Fraud, Waste & Abuse training is mandatory for all new UBMD employee - from receptionists, to billers, to providers, to practice chairs and board members, and everyone in between – within 90 days of hiring.
FWA is also required for ALL employees annually thereafter.
This training program will be updated on an annual basis, and all staff will be advised when the new training is available for each year. This training program will be updated on an annual basis, and all staff will be advised when the new training is available for each year.
Please click here to view the latest FWA training. The corresponding quiz must also be completed.
Must be completed by all newly hired employees, and by all employees annually thereafter.
Click here to view the video. When the webpage comes up, move cursor to the bottom of the black box and click on the start arrow. After watching the video, the login page for the required quiz will appear. Sign on with your UBIT and the password used to log in to your computer, and complete the quiz.
New York State requires all persons employed within the state to complete annual Sexual Harassment Prevention training. By completeing this training, you will not only satisfy the requirement for UBMD, but also for ECMC, Kaleida Health, GPPC and Upper Allegheny Health System. Once you go through all the videos and questions, you will be able to mark all applicalbe entities you work at. This gives providers and staff who work for or are privileged at one or more entities the opportunity to complete the training under only once.
After viewing the entire presentation, answering all questions throughout, you will reach the “Submit Your Results” page. You must fill in ALL the blanks (first name middle initial, etc.), and click ALL entities that apply to you. This means the name of your UBMD practice, each hospital where you are privileged, etc. YOU MUST SELECT EACH ENTITY APPLICABLE TO YOU OR THIS TRAINING WILL HAVE TO BE REPEATED.
Once you click on “Submit,” you will see a screen with the following message:
Thank you for completing the MD Sexual Harassment Training. Your information has been successfully submitted. You will receive a confirmation email shortly.
You may now close this window.
You should then receive an email confirming your successful completion.
Completions will be recorded automatically to a spreadsheet maintained by the collaboration, and sent weekly to the compliance department for tracking purposes. If you have any questions, please contact Sue Marasi.
While not mandatory, UBMD team members are highly encouraged to watch this active shooter training video to help ensure your safety and the safety of those around you in case the situation arises. This training helps prepare you both mentally and physically for an active shooter situation and what you should do before law enforcement arrives on the scene.
The video was recorded on 6.22.22 and presented at a UBMD site by a member of the UB University Police force.